Computers: all the useful shortcuts in Word

Accueil 9 IT 9 Computers: all the useful shortcuts in Word

Many keyboard shortcuts exist for Word. They allow you to do without a mouse

To deal with the destiny of a file, it will thus be possible to do “Ctrl+O” to open it, “Ctrl+S” to save it, “Ctrl+P” to print it, and finally “Ctrl+N” to create a new file.

To work on the content of a document, the shortcuts are as follows:

  • “Ctrl + F” = search,
  • “Ctrl + H” = replace,
  • “F5” = reach,
  • “Ctrl + Z” = undo Keystroke,
  • “Ctrl + Y” = Repeat Keystroke,
  • “Ctrl + X” = cut,
  • “Ctrl + C” = copy,
  • “Ctrl + V = paste,

Heading styles can also be managed by shortcuts: Heading 1 = “Alt + 1 “, Heading 2 = “Alt + 2 “, Heading 3 = ” Alt + 3 “.
The grammar and spelling tools are accessible with “F7” and the thesaurus with “Shift+F7”. To search for a word in a text and its frequency: “Ctrl+F “.

The character formatting tools are on the keys “Ctrl+I” to italicize, “Ctrl+G” to bold, “Ctrl+U” to underline and “Ctrl+Shift+Q” to make small capital letters.

To set the verification language of a document, press “Alt+R, U, L”.

To access a new page, press “Ctrl + Enter”. To select everything, press “Ctrl + A”. To delete the formatting of characters, press “Ctrl + Space” and to delete the formatting of a paragraph, press “Ctrl + Shift + N”.

The cursor can be positioned at the beginning of the document (“Ctrl + Start”), at the end of the document (“Ctrl + End”), can move from one word to another (“Ctrl + Arrow key”) and can switch between the last three positions of the cursor (“Shift + F5”).

A paragraph can be aligned to the right (“Ctrl+R”) or left (“Ctrl+L”), justified (“Ctrl+B”) or centered (“Ctrl+E”). For a new paragraph, press the “Enter” key.

Line spacing can also be managed by keystrokes: single line spacing = “Ctrl + 1”, double line spacing = “Alt + Shift + L”, line spacing = “Ctrl + 5”. For a larger left indent = “Ctrl + R”, for a smaller left indent = “Ctrl + Shift + M”. For a new line, = “Shift+Enter “.

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